Tuck Everlasting 69

What would you do if you had all eternity? Eleven-year-old Winnie Foster yearns for a life of adventure beyond her white picket fence. When she becomes unexpectedly entwined with the Tuck Family, however, she get more than she could have imagined. Af... Read More

Suggested Backdrops

Tell "The Story of the Tucks" with TheatreWorld Backdrops! To create the world of Treegap, New Hampshire, most sets heavily feature a sprawling, old wood. TRANQUIL WOODS looks great behind any set pieces, whether you're using it to create the hidden heart of the forest or the view beyond Winnie's window. Add TRANQUIL WOODS HEADER and TRANQUIL WOODS LEGS to create even more depth. Another wooded option is CLEARING IN THE WOODS - B, featuring large tree trunks and a stream beyond. COVERED BRIDGE is a small homestead in the trees, perfect for the Tucks' hidden home. ENCHANTED FOREST STREAM, with its small footbridge, river, and blossoming trees, is a romantic ramble--and TENTE DE CIRQUE - B is colorful and bright, perfect for the fair. Use VICTORIAN PARLOR SUMMER - B for Winnie's uptight, unchanging family home. With TheatreWorld Backdrops, you'll have the "most beautiful" production of Tuck Everlasting!

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Tuck Everlasting Backdrops

What would you do if you had all eternity? Eleven-year-old Winnie Foster yearns for a life of adventure beyond her white picket fence. When she becomes unexpectedly entwined with the Tuck Family, however, she get more than she could have imagined. After Winnie learns of the magic behind the Tuck’s unending youth, she must fight to protect their secret from those who would do anything for a chance at eternal life. As her adventure unfolds, Winnie faces an extraordinary choice: return to her life, or continue with the Tucks on their infinite journey.